The Laurels Childcare Company
Day Care Fees
Age 0-2
8am-1pm - £24.50
1pm-6pm - £24.50
8am-6pm - £46.50
Full Week - £195.00
Age 2-5
8am-1pm - £23.50
1pm-6pm - £23.50
8am-6pm - £42.50
Full Week - £185.00
Full week discount is only valid to children attending full days Monday to Friday. Where there is a bank holiday, this will not be classed as attending a full week.
We offer sibling discount of 10% deducted from the lower fee amount.
Our prices include snacks and main meals for fee paying families (breakfast, lunch and tea).
Children who attend on funded sessions incur a small charge for meals. These are as follows:-
Breakfast - £1.00
Lunch - £1.50
Tea - £1.00
Please give at least two weeks notice for holidays.
Holidays are for a maximum of two weeks worth of the child's session. Eg. if a child attends for two sessions per week, this is classed as one week of holiday time. You will not be charged for this.